Tuesday, November 18, 2014

SNF Therapy Department Christmas Donation Idea

Back to my blog home page: http://travelingotr.blogspot.com
I am getting promoted. My last day in my current building is tomorrow. I was cleaning my drawer at work on Sunday, which included clinical information I had brought to work to share for inservices, a Costco size container of Bandaids (the go-to place when you knick yourself when working on wheelchairs!) and a ton of legal pads that I returned to the "office supply storage" drawer.

In the midst of my mess, I chanced upon a brochure for a good cause. I had picked it up in the summer of 2013 when I studied Spanish in Guatemala. I'm writing about it today in case you are looking for an organization to donate to by the end of 2014.

It's called Transitions Foundation of Guatemala...

They help make kiddos mobile…

Provide amazing wheelchairs that can move smoothly on cobblestone (you should see the shocks on those chairs!)

Fabricate their own wheelchairs right there

And promote optimal leisure and sports experiences for their citizens!

 I copied their photos off their website to show you, so if you want to check them out, you need to go their website. I wanted to give them a bit of recognition for the good work they are doing in Guatemala!

Consider donating to them today!

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